Quiet Moods Xstitch

 Here you will find computer generated pictures of the patterns available and their pricing (all pricing is in $US and covers postage and printing). Pricing is to cover cost of printing and postage.  We do not charge for the patterns themselves.  To view these as a completed finished stitched piece please go to  Photos of completed Pieces page.  Most of the model stitching was done on Perforated Paper and stitched by Marg Finn of USA.  Thankyou so much for the beautiful stitching Marge.  And also a big thanks to Teresa of USA who did the model stitching on the normal cross stitching fabric...Aida.  x0x0x



DayLillies 84x169 $7.00       Orchid 134x134 $7.00                          DaffodilSquare 126x127 $6.00            IrisGarden 145x220 $7.00



   TulipOval  140x110 $6.00                      Callas  142x112 $7.00                      TulipCard 57x57 $5.00                     CallaCard 84x82 $6.00


Botanical Iris $7.00



Clydsdale 131x178 $7.00               Lories 130x203 $7.00           FlamingoFan 135x88 $6.00             Suncatcher Hummer 95x84 $6.00



  Bird&Roses 164x155 $7.00                        Butterfly 120x76 $7.00                                GlidinButterfly 88x76 $6.00


   LilSip 85x84 $6.00                                                                     



Kachina 107x160 $7.00              EndOfTrail 57x75 $6.00            IndianLady 27x71 $5.00                    IndianGirl 29x71 $5.00



   Windmill 101x130 $7.00                   RedBiPlane 130x119 $7.00                                            



Email: quietmoods5@yahoo.com








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